Monday, September 30, 2013

My nerves are frayed. Route 299 from Aecata to Redding was a harrowing experience. Rock slides, no guard rails and 3400 foot elevation. The drive to Arcata was along the Avenue of the Giants. WOW! Even in the rain it was stunning.  I did pee on a Redwood.
After Weaverville I stopped along a stream to try to spot an American Dipper. I walked into the forest to pee and looked up and there it was, watching me pee-Dipper! I said thank you and zipped up and got back in the car.
 I am at the Desmond House B&B in Redding. Beautiful valley. Sacramento River across the street has salmon running-Chinook. Sundial Bridge is interesting. I am here to see the Yellow-billed magpie. People say they are here in a park. As soon as the rain lets up I am off to find this bird. Not leaving the valley until I see it. Mount Shasta is a 1.5 hour drive north. I Think I will stay tonight in Weed, Ca. Think I'll find pot-heads there? Gotta pee-bye for now.


  1. You had me laughing and cringing John. Your photos are so beautiful ! I hope you get to pee on a yellow billed magpie. Perhaps he won't notice! GREAT 'diary'! Love ya!

  2. You seem a bit obsessed with potheads. :)
