Thursday, October 3, 2013

Did I mention the 10,000 mallards and 3,000 Greater White-fronted geese at Lower Klamath Refuge? Spectacular. Had to sit in the car yesterday morning and let the car heat up. The windows were iced. Then got Say's phoebe and Townsend's solitaire. Beautiful clear day and could see all the snow-covered mountains. The coyotes are smaller out here. Drove up to The Dalles, Oregon and am downtown. Very nice community.People are so kind in Or. Met a guy of the Yakima Nation and he provided a lot of information about The Dalles.
Two ore days of birding. Not sure what is left to get other that Golden eagle or Barrow's goldeneye. Staying at the Edgefield tonight. Just a 1 hour drive so lots of time for birding the Columbia Gorge.

1 comment:

  1. I truly love viewing you photos and reading your blog. You are a WONDERFUL photographer :}
    The carnivorous plants really touch my heart.......:}
    Ken Johnson
