Sunday, September 29, 2013

Another day spent with binoculars around my neck. Saw some otters in the surf and thought they were sea otters. No sea otters near here, they were river otters. Watched  the parents feed their pups for an hour. Walked the nature trail up in the mountains for 2 hours and met the man who built it. Bear tracks everywhere. Black Sand beach was interesting. Hiking trail goes 25 miles up the coast. Some people never come back. Some should not. I am still in Humbolt county and the people under 50 suck. Pot-head white trash. I feel sorry for the teenagers here. One jumped off the cliff and swam out to sea last week.
Finally saw a Bewicks wren. California quail are abondanza. Fox squirel are lightly colored.. The stars are so clear when the breeze is off the Pacific. Rain today and I am off to Redding. 5 hour drive today. Inn of the Lost Coast is a must for everyone. Picture below is my hotel and off my balcony. I hope I can return. The ocean is very rough this morning. Sounds like a train.

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